Pepper’s Playhouse is owned by a local mom, Junebug. As a former pediatric nurse, her ideation for Pepper’s Playhouse originated following the birth of her youngest nephew, Roland, who was born with his umbilical cord wrapped tightly around his neck. Roland’s mom and dad had access to resources to get the developmental therapy he needed, but the essence of his growth was his productivity from hands-on playtime with Pepper, Junebug’s youngest daughter.

Pepper’s Playhouse is committed to bridging the gap of resources in the Arlington, Mansfield, and Grand Prairie community by offering affordable opportunities for cognitive, social, and kinetic skill development through imaginative play.

Visit our EVENTS tab to learn more about opportunities to create, play and explore at Pepper’s Playhouse.



Pepper’s Playhouse is suitable for children of all abilities, ages 10 and under, offering a wide variety of activities. Our Playhouse understands the importance of killing germs and viruses. We clean our playground multiple times a day to ensure you and your little pals does not catch any harmful bacteria.

We ask parents to kindly bring their child another day when they aren’t feeling at their 100% to play and run around with others. The use of hand sanitize is strongly encouraged for parents and pals before, during and after play.

Our staff is highly equipped to fight germs off, all day, every day. They are committed to enforcing our policies to keep Pepper’s Playhouse clean and safe.

We have the right to refuse service to anyone experience signs or symptoms of Covid-19. We apologize for any inconvenience.





Pepper’s Playhouse is ready to host your special event.  All ages are welcome to celebrate at the playhouse.  We offer a safe, clean and supportive environment to meet your event needs.